IHS Elects Officers via ZOOM

In a first for the Irving Heritage Society, new officers were elected and installed via a Zoom meeting on Sunday, May 17. Members and guests gathered via the internet connection to elect Jearlene Miller as President for 2020-2021. In reference to the first virtual meeting and the technology used, current President Linda Wood Shotwell commented “It is always a good day when a Heritage Society can make history!”
Ms. Miller has served the Heritage Society in many different areas over the years including Director, Memorial committee chair, Valentine Tea co-chair, 2nd Vice President in charge of programs as well as part of the original Celebrating Irving: The City and The Man committee. She was selected this year as one of the Heritage Society’s Sweethearts.
Other board members elected included President-Elect Carol Huntley Little, 1st Vice President (Membership) Nikisha McDaniel, 2nd Vice President (Programs) Gary Schepf, 3rd Vice President (Projects) Diane Mannon, Recording Secretary Pam Engman, Corresponding Secretary Susan Fairless, Treasurer Anne Pfaff, Historian Cynthia Sharp, and Parliamentarian Linda Wood Shotwell. 2020-2023 Directors included Paige Hillis, Eric King, Susan Motley, Eileen Parks, and Judy Pierson. Shirley Smith will fill a vacant director’s position until 2021. Irving Community Television Network producer and About Towne host Cathy Whiteman conducted the installation ceremony.
Irving Heritage House tours will resume at a later date. The annual fish fry will be rescheduled for fall in conjunction with the grand opening of the Irving Archives and Museum. Date to be determined. For more information, visit www.irvingheritage.com or call 972-252-3838.