Save the Date/General Meeting

Following a brief meeting of the Irving Heritage Society on Sunday, 11th of September at 2pm, guests will be able to view the exhibit “A World of Paper: The Lyle Novinski Print Collection” at the Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery at The University of Dallas, 1845 E. Northgate. This is a free event, however an RSVP is needed for additional information and parking arrangements. Please reply by Sept. 7 by email to or call 972-252-3838.
On view to the public for the first time, this exhibition features nearly 150 prints from Novinski’s private print collection. The prints span over 400 years of printmaking history and were acquired by Novinski during his extensive travels. Among the many unique pieces he has purchased is a set of 22 prints by Rembrandt. They were discovered in a poster shop in Italy. Beautiful Japanese prints were some of the earliest prints he collected while awaiting deployment to Korea. Lyle Novinski is Professor Emeritus of Art at the University of Dallas and will provide personal reflections about the art pieces.