The 9th Annual Celebrating Irving

The Irving Heritage Society, Irving Independent School District, Irving Public Library, Irving Black Arts Council, Irving Art Association, National Scouting Museum and the City of Irving have joined together to present the 9th Annual Celebrating Irving: The City and The Man events during the month of April.
Activities will begin with the “A Conversation with Will Moses”. Artist and author/illustrator Will Moses and Irving Community Television Network producer/anchor Cathy Whiteman will share information about the artwork of Mr. Moses in the Dupree Theater of the Irving Arts Center, 3333 North MacArthur, on Sunday, April 3, at 4pm. The audience will have an opportunity for questions. A reception follows the program. Books by Mr. Moses will be available for sale. Original artwork by Will Moses will be displayed in the Dupree lobby from April 2- June 26.
Will Moses, great grandson of folk artist Grandma Moses, will also appear on Monday, April 4, at the West Library, 4444 West Rochelle, when “Will Moses Meets Irving” at 4pm. Mr. Moses will visit informally with library patrons. That evening, Mr. Moses will be in attendance at the Betty Jean Ramsey Huffman folk art exhibit at the Jaycee Center for the Arts recognition and reception at 1975 Puritan Drive. The reception begins at 7pm and is open to the public.
The popular Irving Trivia contest preliminary rounds will be held on Saturday, April 16, at 10am in the West Irving Library, 4444 West Rochelle. Teams will compete with their knowledge of Washington Irving and the City of Irving past and present. Final rounds of the trivia contest will be Saturday, April 30, at 10am in the Valley Ranch Library, 401 Cimarron Trail. To learn more about the completion or to receive a trivia team application, contact the Irving Heritage Society at 972-252-3838.
Family friendly movie matinees will be held twice during April with the showing of Disney’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” based on Washington Irving’s famous short story. The first showing will be Saturday, April 2, at the Valley Ranch Library, 401 Cimarron Trail, beginning at 2pm. The East Library at 440 South Nursery will host the film on Saturday, April 16, at 2pm.
Exhibits on the life and works of Washington Irving as well as the City of Irving will be on display throughout the month of April at the Valley Ranch Library and at the Heritage Senior Center at 2nd and Jefferson for the months of March and April.
Online interactive activities will test your knowledge of Washington Irving and the City of Irving. For details available CLICK HERE. All events are free and open to the public. This program was made possible in part with a grant from Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Funded in part by the City of Irving through the Irving Arts Board.
Additional information by calling 972-252-3838.
2015 final four team for Irving Trivia:
Seated - Michael Kirwan, Carolyn Falk, Karen Wong, and Mary Archer
2nd row standing -
Mary Higbie - Chair, Janice Carroll, Chris Dobson, Anne Pfaff, Virginia Meler, Maura Gast, Patrick Shields, Judy Pierson, emcee - Dan Matkin 3rd row standing -
(partially hidden) Clem Lear, Diana Pfaff,
David Cole, Alan Fleck, Richard Monroe The La Cima Heritage Committee was the 2015 winner last year:
Patty Caperton (not pictured), Anne Pfaff, Virginia Meler, and Janice Carroll plus Chris Dobson Artist and author/illustrator Will Moses