L. B. Barton Elementary

L. B. Barton Elementary School opened in September of 1956. It was named after Lee Bose Barton to honor his service to schools and interest in education. The original building consisted of 20 classrooms and a cafeteria. In 1964 an additional wing of classrooms was opened. The first principal was A. G. Sebastian. He was followed by Mr. Bill Larson, Mr. C. R. Clodfelter, Mr. Glenn Duggins, Pam Meredith, and others The principal in 2016 is Kelly Giddens.In 1971 Barton started using students as safety patrol crossing guards and separate P.E. classes began. A full time librarian was added in 1977. In the late 1960’s, when Barton’s enrollment reached 1300 pupils, several additions were added to the original building. Today the school serves around 800 students.
Lee Bose Barton, an Irving pioneer, was born on October 30, 1884 in Dallas County. He married Lena Louse Kimball in 1904.Lee Barton and his wife purchased a farm in the Sowers community in 1914. The farm covered the area from today’s Fouts Street to Pioneer Drive. It included the property where Barton Elementary is located today. The Barton’s had two children: Evelyn Oneta and Floyd Wix. Lee's children attended Sowers School, which was located on the street now named Pioneer near today’s Belt Line Rd.
Mr. Barton served as a trustee on the school board of the Sowers Common School District for 35 years. The school district was annexed into Irving ISD in 1955-56.Mr. Barton was an active member of the Woodman of the World Lodge and a charter member of the Sowers Lodge organized in Irving. He farmed until he retired. He died January 11, 1966 in Irving and is buried in the Sowers Cemetery.
http://web.irvingisd.net/history/briefhistorybyconnor.htm • http://irving.net/irvingwiki/index.php?title=Obituaries:Barton,Lee_Bose_L.B._%22Bose%22 • http://www.irvingisd.net/domain/4712 • findagrave.com. • Irving Archives document about the school written probably around the end of 1977. This web page was created July 2016 by the Celebrating Irving Committee of the Irving Heritage Society in partnership with Irving Independent School District. Photos used with the permission of Irving ISD and Irving Archives, Irving Public Library.