Books for Sale

“Irving, Texas, From Rails to Wings, 1903-2003” by Norma Stanton is available for $15 and "Irving, Texas, Centennial, 1903-2003, Cookbook and Family Histories" by Helen Ogden Widener is available for $10 from the Society. The fully-illustrated history book, over 200 pages, tells the story of the City of Irving, its people, and its growth over its first century. The 400-plus page cookbook has both history and recipes, with an added bonus of an interactive compact disc. Both books are bound hardback and were published by the City of Irving as part of its centennial celebration. These extra copies have been graciously donated by the City to the Society to help fund the upkeep of the Heritage House.
Get yours at the Heritage House during the monthly tours or call 972-252-3838 to order your copies.